January 11, 2005

since getting U2's CD - How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

I have been hanging out here...




September 30, 2004

I pretty much hang out on either the DAmb www.danielamos.com
message board http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/

or the 77sMB www.77s.com
message board http://www.77s.com/wbb2/

November 21, 2002

the Exxon Valdez seams to be known as a great enviormental tradgedy, coorprate induced, BiG BaD oil companies etc...etc... ( right? )
the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska. Some 10.92 million gallons of crude oil were lost from the Valdez.

"The Exxon Valdez disaster was officially attributed to sleepiness-related errors in judgment," ( I think alcohol was involved too ? )

...meanwhile SoMe people are questioning if Iraq & Saddam Hussein are a part of the "Axis of Evil". I really do not know what to think but, This is a VeRY Interesting Fact I saw & was shocked ! not so much that it happened but, I really do not remember hearing about this at the time it happened. The largest oil spill ever was Iraq’s deliberate release of 460 million gallons of crude into the Persian Gulf during the gulf war.

that is 42 TIMES the size of the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska.
42 TIMES ! ! !

I know there has been alot of talk about Terrorism, WaR and "Axis of Evil", etc. & I am VeRY worried about it all...
I am not sure what "WE" ( the USA ) should do about it, other than pray . . .
but, at some point . . .

November 19, 2002

it is a Tuesday & I will NoT be able to make it to
Best Buy Today ... MaN !

did I mention that I LoVe NeW release Tuesdays ?

November 15, 2002

my MaiN theme will be :

Everyone is intitled to their own opinions but No oNe is intitled to their own Facts.